Portada Passing Clouds - Cesar Latorre



  1. Passing clouds
  2. Blocks
  3. Carla
  4. Directions
  5. Poulaki
  6. Momentum
  7. Sunset
  8. Impro
  9. Sunset
  10. No sé (ahora)
  11. Fly
  12. Rose
  13. How to deal with it
  14. No sé (después)


A musical meeting that had been postponed due to the need to perform live with our quartet finally took place in May 2024 in Gijón, and it was fully embraced.

With Natalio, who has been a friend and collaborator for years, we have developed a musical trust that allows us to take risks and face challenges without fear. Each of us senses what to expect from the other, creating the necessary feeling of security to embark on any improvisation. For this reason, the album features a significant number of them.

These improvisations are like acts of magic or juggling; we balance on a tightrope that represents the music, confident that if we fall into the void, the net that supports us will lead to a new game, prompting a twist in the improvisation we were creating, and allowing it to follow its natural course, governed by a shared directionality.

This same musical familiarity allowed us to approach a varied album that offers both classical-themed pieces and abstract improvisations, never losing an aesthetic unity that is both predominant and harmonious. We have decided to intersperse these two types of compositions, which we have called "in and out," to make the listening experience more organic and enjoyable.

Natalio y Cesar Latorre Duo - Passing clouds
Natalio y Cesar Latorre Duo - Passing clouds


Natalio Sued - Tenor Saxophone

César Latorre – piano

Paula Mata - poetry on track 6, “Ángeles Muertos” by Rafael Alberti.

Design: Amanda Corujo

Meidinerz Records 

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